Laptop Repair Training Course – preparation for working on a laptop

Where to keep everything

Laptop repair is fiddly. They have a number of small parts that can easily be lost.  It can also be difficult to remember in which order that certain parts were taken out.  For this reason most people develop a system for keeping a tab on which part went where etc, a good solid system should mean you are able to confidently take apart any laptop and re-assemble it without difficulty.

There are many methods but here is the tried and tested method that we will show you, it works for us but feel free to adapt it for yourself.

What you will need:

  • a small plastic screw box for keeping small screws in  or alternatively a series of small tubs, you should be able to put a label on these tubs to remind you where their contents came from.  These are only cheap and you should keep a fair few so you can repair more than just one laptop for your customers at any one time.
    Plastic Screw Box
  • a larger tub or container.  This is useful if you need to put a laptop to one side while you wait for a part to arrive for a customer.  It therefore it should be big enough to hold a laptop.  Again, it is advised that you keep a few of these ready for your customer laptops in case you need to hold off on your job for a while.Plastic container for use during laptop repair


  • a sheet of paper that has your customer details including details of the fault. You will shortly be able to download a template of this from our members area.  This really only applies if you intend to fix laptops for customers for a business.
  • a diagram sheet, these should contain your own notes as you progress through your laptop teardown.  TIP: you will get better with these with practice but they should be clear enough so that when you start to re-assemble your laptop you can follow your own notes – even if this re-assembly is weeks in the future.  You will shortly be able to download a template of this from our members area.

Laptop repair requires forward planning if you are to do it right.  These parts are not always necessary but if you intend to repair a lot of laptops, for example, if you would like to start a computer repair business then these extra bits and pieces are essential.

So now let’s look at how laptops are assembled.


Tekmoz is a website that is the culmination of over 15 years experience and counting in the computer repair and technology industry where you can learn from our experience and apply it to your own life.