Delete history – Internet Explorer
Ok this is part 3 of our ‘how to delete your Internet Browsing History’ tutorial.
In this section we are going to show you How to delete your history from Internet Explorer.
First of all let’s make sure we are talking about the same thing. Internet Explorer is a ‘browser’ that you surf the Internet through, Internet Explorer is a Microsoft Product and is different to Chrome or Firefox.
The icon for Internet Explorer is blue ‘e’ like this
When you start Internet Explorer up it will look something like this
At the top right of your browser window you will see a little picture of a cog wheel like this
If you click that and from the menu choose ‘Internet Options’ you will a screen like this:
You can see here ‘Browsing History’ so click on the Delete button and you will see:
From here click the Delete button.
These are the steps required to delete history from Internet Explorer.